In photo: Neta Bongco, Acee Vitangcol, and Coni Cruz
The concept for a CDM blog took place during one of the breaks in the 2010 IMMAP Summit.
I casually mentioned to Coni Cruz that it would be nice to have something on the web which could also serve as a "School Organ" of sorts. I guess the idea was drawn from a fascination for school papers through the years.
Understandably, being in the digital age and this course being one on digital marketing, the only way to have this "school paper" manifested would be through a blog.
Then came Coni's surprise statement, "You can be the Editor-In-Chief!". All of a sudden I thought, "Oh boy, what did I get myself into?". As if the assignments and submission of course requirements weren't enough to wipe out one's time, I found myself with the task of having to put this together.
Finally, here we are. The Digital Marketing Hub ...a space for thought convergence for Certified Digital Marketers.
Welcome to the space!

The CDM Blog was conceived in a discussion around this table.
L to R - Acee Vitangcol, Derek Sta. Ana, Well Kiong, Donald Lim, Lloyd Tronco; Behind the camera - Coni Cruz.
L to R - Acee Vitangcol, Derek Sta. Ana, Well Kiong, Donald Lim, Lloyd Tronco; Behind the camera - Coni Cruz.